Sunday, March 22, 2009

Monday's Class + Weekly Discussion Question

Hello students,

On Monday, we will continue our discussion of celebrities and the media. Please review the readings I assigned last week.

Keeping with a theme that arose in Wednesday's class, the weekly discussion question is:

Should celebrities (actors, musicians, politicians, business figures, etc.) be held up as role models?

Please explain your answer thoughtfully. 


Kate Petronelli said...

I think celebrities should not be held as role models. A child’s role model should be their parents, grandparents, teachers, pastors, friends, etc. Just because someone is famous for hitting a baseball, playing the guitar, or having an amazing voice does make them qualified to be a role model, let alone a good role model. The reality is, however, that our children do look up to celebrities; myself included. My biggest role models (aside from both my parents and grandparents) are Sandra Day O’Connor and Hillary Clinton (although both are very different kind of celebrities than previously mentioned). I think it is the job of parents, grandparents, friends, and teachers to teach children what makes a good role model. This allows children to decipher between what behavior is acceptable from celebrities and which is not. I think it is perfectly acceptable for children to look up to someone famous, but it is their choice who they admire and it is our job as people who are in their lives to teach them about what qualities make a good role model and what do not. It also allows them to make choices on which type of behavior to admire and which type they should not. For example, if someone considers Bill Clinton their role model they should look up to him for his leadership skills and achievements he made throughout his presidency. They should know better than to think of him as a role model because he cheated on his wife and was popular with women.

On the other hand I do believe that there is a certain level of personal responsibility that comes with being a celebrity. We have to remember everyone makes mistakes in their lives and we have all done things we are not proud of and wish we could take back. The only difference between us and celebrities and that the whole world is watching them.

Emily said...

What is a rolemodel anyways? Who can be a rolemodel? Pretty much anyone depending on the situation. When I took a public speaking class a handful of years ago here, I was told that Adolf Hitler was an amazing speaker. He may have had another agenda, but he captivated an audience, and made them listen. I think a celebrity definately can be a rolemodel, no doubt about it and whether you want to be or not. I defintaley think its up to them what kind of example they want to show to their fans and to realize that being a rolemodel comes with some responsiblilty.

CoreyN said...

I don't think that celebrities should be held up as role models. Like i mentioned in class last weds, everyone has their own set of morals and principles. It's unfair that just because you are in the public spot light that you need to be an angel! If you want to be then go ahead wear your white robe and prance around being the perfect little robot that our society wants you to be. Once you screw up once the media and tabloids will be all over you and your career will be down the shoot. (Michael Phelps)

These people need to just live their lives. The press needs to stop freaking out over the smallest things that these celebrities do. Not everyone can be a role model. TRUST ME!

Henry B. said...

I think that Celebs are considerd as role models. Personally most of the people I look up to are musicians. The musicians I admire arent in the tabloids often and do not do any scandolous things. The reason I look up to them is because they followed there own path and did something that meant to them and I greatly admire that.

Leanne said...

I feel like yes, celebrities should be held to a higher standard. When you enter the celebrity world whether it is through acting, music or even politics you know what you are getting yourself into with paparazzi and/or celebrity insiders. Regardless if you look to your parents, grandparents or whoever as role models the truth is celebrities are everywhere and it’s hard not to be interested in at least one or more of them. But just because they may go and do something crazy doesn’t mean you should too, that’s what we call knowing what is right from wrong. As a human being you need to be responsible for you own actions.

MikeQisgod-like said...

To me, celebrities being role models all depends on the way they use their fame. Yet they have still made decisions in their lives and possibly in movies or art forms they have done that would make some people question this. I would say Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are absolutely role models with their humanitarian efforts and the way they raise awareness for the causes they believe in, but someone might disagree with that because they have chosen to show skin on camera, or be involved in sex scenes. I am one who considers most actors and actresses artists, so if they are judged for what they do in films, on songs, or other ways they express themselves I consider that unfair. There is no rule that says someone cannot hold another as a role model based on just one aspect of their lives.

On the other hand you have these celebrities who are only held in that status because the majority of the population has allowed them to be this way or these so-called celebrities have fallen into a large sum of money based on what mommy or daddy has accomplished in their respective lives'. No one in his or her right mind should ever hold a celebrity like a Paris Hilton or a Nicole Ritchie as any type of role model, or rightfully should they consider them celebrities because that makes them adored for doing NOTHING.

So I guess it comes down to how well an individual can pick and choose which celebrities appear to be using their supreme social status in the best way.

Unknown said...

I don't think celebrities should be looked up to any more than "regular" members of society. When I hear the term 'role models' I typically associate it with youth, and I imagine it very difficult to tell young person who to look up to, at least it would have been for me.

Besides the money and the fame, I think celebrity lives are pretty much like everyone else's, yet since they live under a microscope, every little mistake is captured and scrutinized. Through no fault of their own, many of them wind up being cast as deviants based on one or two events that get so blown out of proportion that by the time it's all said and done, you probably wouldn't want to look up to them.

I think if anything, their success makes them a role models, yet I don't think they have any personal responsibility to the rest of society to act like one.

Unknown said...

To me this is a very tough question to answer, but I will give my personal opinion on how I deal with being in the public eye. For the last two years here at Rhode Island College I have been in the public eye in two different forums. Last year I was the “face” of the radio station. I was the host of the only morning show that ran four days a week in the history of the radio station. This year I became Vice President of the student body, with both positions on my mind I knew to hold myself to a different standard than others. Now I know my roles here on campus cannot compare to the magnitude of what a Hollywood celebrity goes through, however there are people here that do look up to me and also people watching and waiting for me to slip up. I myself do not drink nor have every did any drugs, I work out six days a week, I am on Dean’s List, and I work a ridiculous amount of hours being both Vice President and working as a part time cook outside of the campus.
For me, I want people to look to me; I want to be seen as a role model. I feel that the position that I hold is a position that someone should be able to look at in a positive light. Now at the end of the day I am still only human, which some people in my inner circle may debate the fact that I am because I do so much and I never really sleep. But my point is I did choose the this life that I am living, like many of the Hollywood stars, I knew how people view my position and what standards I should hold myself to. So in essence I feel that Hollywood stars know what they are getting into by pursuing their careers, and with that comes millions of eyes watching their every move. I don’t believe they should change they life completely but step for a second and say to themselves, how would I want to be looked at, how would do I want my legacy to be. I did that coming into this year, and so far that mindset has not done me wrong, nor have I had to sacrifice any fun on the way.
So do I believe celebrities should be held up as role models, to me this is still a tough question to answer. The fact is no matter in the public there will always be someone that looks up to you. The question is whether or not these celebrities can truly handle the fact that they are look as role models. Because if they cannot they should find another career.

Vera said...

I think it would be nice if celebrities would use there money and time wisely, and some do, but I don't feel they should be obligated to be role models. Role models, in my eyes, should be parents and teachers. While children and even teenagers are very impressionable to what they see and hear on tv and radio about celebrities, I feel it is their parents and teachers who should be instilling morals and ideals into them. I don't think children should even be allowed to get into the whole celebrity propaganda of who they are sleeping with and what fancy designer dresses they are wearing although it may not always be possible to sheild them from it, especially as they get older.

Samantha A. said...

I don't believe that celebrities should be held as role models. Sure many younger people may idolize certain celebrities due to their talents, personalities, or styles but the celebrities should not be held accountable for the actions of someone else. Celebrities may have figures in their lives that look up to them, and they want to set a good example like their kids or families which is the same for us as well. I know that certain celebrities try to keep their personal lives out of the public so they don't develop a reputation, which is good for their younger viewers. But in the end celebrities are only human just like us and do make mistakes too. The difference is that their faults and wrong doings are pointed out through the public eye which they can't escape from without being exposed.

Caitlin said...


Why? Because they're out there. We see them. We see them everyday, and know everything they do in the public eye. We hold them to a higher standard. If a firefighter, policeman, etc. was in the public eye all the time (i.e. television, magazines, etc.), we would look at them like we look at celebrities.

Celebrities are also used to get word out on things. If celebrities never spoke out about a candidate, esp. in the recent election, it wouldn't have been as popular. Celebrities also shine light on causes as well.

I would much rather have an up-standing citizen on television, representing America, rather than a drunken trainwrek. Yes, I enjoy to watch a good trainwrek, but honestly, we shouldn't look up to someone like that.

Celebrities know what they get themselves into when they sign their contracts. They can complain all they want, but that's what they signed up for, and they knew it. It gets annoying, but I mean, they make MILLIONS of dollars. Shouldn't they be entitled to a little annoyance?

I would much rather be followed by the paparazzi in everyday life rather than working my ass off and goin to school for 10hrs a day.

I don't feel sorry for any celebrity.

Nikki said...

Of course I think celebrities should be held as role models.. and they know this going into the business granted noone is perfect so some make mistakes but some also get themselves out of the mistakes they made and into better stronger people....

they are there in the public eye doing what they love to do for millions of dollars...why cant they love what they do and teach others as well. yes there are a handful of them that are in the public eye for basically doing drugs or having an eating disorder of some kind... but thats them ...there are also more than a handful that give to charities .....speak to students....and do what they can do to help the environment and/or community
theres a couple celebrities that i love and look up to and admire.. and theres some i wouldnt ... but either way not everyone is perfect its just a matter of whats right and wrong and what u beleive is the right thing to do

Katie L said...

I think it is only an individuals choice to decide what there role models are. Just because celebrities are "out there" doesn't mean jack sh*t. Most celebrities are extremely intellectual or in such a routine that there managers decide where there image should be. Personally, i don't look to a whole person as a role model. I look for traits in that person that inspire me to live the way i want. Art is art! I feel the artist shouldn't be judged or held to a standard that public media wants it to be. I'll give an example... Tommy Lee is one of my role models. Yes... Tommy Lee. He has been since 9th grade. Just because he's my role model doesn't mean i'm going to go snore a line of cocaine off of ozzy osbournes chest. He is my role model for only one reason... his insane drumming ability. Celebrities are part of the human race... they are no special than my mail man in the whole of things. I can understand the wanting of fame and fortune... but i can't help to feel for the ones who don't want it. The musicians and artists that would be just as happy to play in an alley as they would on a stage.

aefflandt said...

Should celebrities (actors, musicians, politicians, business figures, etc.) be held up as role models?

There is no doubt in my mind that celebrities/public figures are role models to many people. I have a hard time understanding why people expect them to be perfect because they are human beings. I am not justifying the fact that celebrities and public figures make many bad decisions, I am just trying to show the other side that people tend to forget. Another point I would like to make is you have the right to choose who you look up to. For example many people see President Obama as a role model, me included. Believe it or not he is not perfect and did do drugs at some points in his life. The reason he is a role model to me is because he has over came many obstacles in his life and has made some thing of himself. I think people need to be more selective with who they are choosing as role models and why. I know many people may not agree with this when it comes to children, but I think parents have a responsibility to control what there children are watching and what age they allow them to make certain decisions. It is the parents job to set certain standard for their children.

Celebrities are constantly being watch and ridiculed for everything. I think there should be certain constants on what the public is informed about. For example I do not think that the public has the right to know if a celebrity has been raped or beaten. I think certain things that the media puts out there is a little overboard. I do understand by being a celebrity you put yourself out there to be criticized but I do not think that they should have to share everything about there personal lives. Celebrities should have the right to some privacy.

In saying all that depending on the type of audience that the celebrities and public figures do attack the celebrities should be aware of that. They should try to uphold a standard, but at the end of the day they can be or act whatever why they please and as a consumer of the media you have the right to turn it off.

sara said...

I personally think that celebrities are people just like you and I are. They wake up every morning and put in one leg at a time into their pants just like the rest of us do. Yes, though they are paid more then the average person today they are only getting that money because of their talent (excluding Paris Hilton). If people choose to look up and admire these celebrities for the talent that they have, that is acceptable.
Celebrities today, in my opinion, are past the "role model" label in peoples eyes and they have become more like Gods. Some people care more about what is going on in their lives and what they had for lunch then they are in their own. It has come to the sad point where we see every little thing these people do simply because they make a lot of money and entertain us with their stupidity. For the most part, these people being worshiped are not even quality people you should be looking up to. Most celebrities are those who have drug addictions, alcohol problems, and have way too big of egos. I mean now they even have made a television show for celebrities with addictions come on now that is not a role model in my eyes. Honestly when I think of a role model I think of parents, teachers, even some children. I think of my mom. She beat the odds when she had a child at seventeen, still graduated high school, raised her children with perfect lives, worked 60 + hours a week and still managed to give the love we needed and more as a single parent. That's a role model to me, and I think America should just look at their acquaintances in their own lives for role models not in the tabloids.

Primal Pants said...

I don't believe that there should be any pressure on celebrities to be role models. Their job is to entertain us and if they are a mess....people pay attention to them! If every celebrity was a saint...then what would the papparazzi cover?!?! Celebrities are people too and they are not perfect. Too many parents get mad about Britney Spears and the way she acts and dresses. Do your part as a parent and teach your kids morals and nurture them. Maybe then they will look up to you instead. Parents and teachers are more likely role models...and even they make mistakes sometimes! No one is perfect and it is unfair to put ANYONE under a microscope like that.

GoDsGirL said...

An interesting & complex question.

In my opinion, society created/labeled "celebrities", should not be held up as role models because too often they are poor examples of upstanding individuals, undeserving of such a title as a role model.

However, I do believe that these prominent figures in the public eye called "celebrities" SHOULD take their position in society seriously and do their best to live their lives as people deserving of the position they have been given or worked for which has placed them in the public eye on such a high level.

I'm a person who strongly believes in the notion that- with great power comes great responsibility.

Any individual who is in such a position of power in any society has the ability to influence, inspire, discourage or enrage those around them through their actions, choices and decisions. And in that vein, people look to those in power for leadership and examples of greatness to emulate, and aspire to possibly achieve similar power through their own efforts.

Thus I believe that when speaking about politicians, clergy, and teachers, the idea of "celebrity" is a bit misplaced or misused....these are simply powerful people in society whose main objective should be to lead with social responsibility, compassion, and fairness. Moreover, these are the people who if I must call them "celebrities", should by all means be held up as role models, because they are upholding such fragile ideologies of religion, justice, and education.

But more importantly, being a spiritual Christian woman, I've always known that the idea of looking up to mortals as role models or falling victim to "celebrity" worship is a dangerous thing to do, never mind a waste of time.

Man was created imperfect, thus none of us are worthy enough of being 100% all the time, or worthy of any emulatuion or worship as most people in this society seem to feel "celebrities" are.

The real "celebrity" if any for me is my GOD. (I'm not forcing my religious beliefs on anyone, I'm just voicing my opinion.)

And any other "celebrities" would be my mother, my Pastor, myself, and the likes of Ghandi, Mother Teresa, Princess Diana, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, President Obama just because to me these people have lived their lives to help others, and have not put worldy desires in front of their social responsiblities as people blessed with intellect, spirituality, compassion, and thus powerful positions in society.

Given that, as for actors, musicians, business figures and any politicians other than President Obama, they are the furthest thing from what I consider to be "celebrities."
They are just people who happen to make a living in the public eye. Some of them are good people, but a lot of them are not, as we often see when they reveal parts of their inner selves when we least expect it.

The real "celebrities" are the teachers, firefighters, struggling mothers & fathers, clergy, and any who help another in spite of themselves.

Yet, as it says in the Bible, "thou without sin shall cast the first stone"...meaning none should judge another, as none of us are perfect, free of imperfections or sin. Hence, I judge no one, and dont care what these people are doing in their every day lives, because I'm busying living my own life!

In conclusion, I feel that I have been blessed with many gifts, one powerful gift being that of song. I know in my heart that I will one day be placed in a position to share my gift with the world when appointed the chance by the grace of God.... And you BETTER BELIEVE I will be a socially responsible, compassionate, and fair person who will use my position for the betterment of others and not fodder for the tabloids or papparazzi..... PEACE & BLESSINGS

-Lex :o)

Ryan C said...

I feel that the question cannot be answered with a yes or no. I feel that we all look at public figures and deem them to be celebraties. To me it depends on "what kind of celebrity" one is that dictates whether or not they should be held up as role models.

To me politicans are the "celebrities" that should definately be held up as role models. First, they are elected by the people. It is the people who they represent by holding such an office. They arent thrown into the lime light, they put themselves in the lime light by campaigning and running television ads, and doing public appearances to keep their face fresh in the mind of voters.

Im not saying that their voting record should be admired, rather they as a person should be. Meaning they perform their job to the best of their abilities, accurately represent the people, and keep the promises they make before being elected.

That being said, there are very few politicans who would call role models, basing that title soley on what kind of person they are. I feel that during the election we were presented with two candidates that were rolemodels. Political views aside, they were both good men who have tried to be the best person they can be in life.

On the other hand we have all the other "celebrities" While one can argue they do what they can to stay in the lime light, one could also argue that the manner in which they do so has no boundries, meaning that they will do what it takes (good or bad) to be in the spot light.

I feel it is unfair to expect all celebrities to be role models. It should be their choice whether or not they want to represent themselves in such a way that one would be able to look up to them.

Its tough even for someone who is interested in being a role model to maintain that stature because not only their professional life is public, but so is their private life.

No one can be perfect all the time!

-Ryan C

jamesk said...

no I do not think celebrities should be held as role models. If a person wants a person to be a different type of role model than that person should just find another celebrity to look up. I feel celebrtites have their own set of morals and thefore lead their own lives, if people choose to look up to them they should have qualities they like.

Pete W said...

I believe that celebrities, being in the public eye, should be held to a certain standard. Many people, ranging from kids to adults, look up to celebrities... Most celebrities know this. Thus I believe that celebrities actions, at least ones that are sure to be noticed or seen by the public, should be respectable ones. Unfortunately, even celebrities private lives are made public and if the actions they take in their private lives are less than respectable it reflects negatively upon them and their image and those that look up to them can be let down. In short, the fact that celebrities are always in the public eye almost binds them to a responsibility to act in a responsible manner. However, if they do not act so respectably, we as a society need to recognize that we need not look only to public figures as role models. Anybody can be a role model if they set a good example. In the end we are all responsible for our own actions and when one of our role models makes a bad choice we need to realize that we need not make the same choice. We should choose our role models carefully and we need to be wary of our own actions. We can not let a role model become more than that. We can not attempt to model our lives after our role models- we must be our own people... I may have veered off from the point a bit towards the end there but anyway, those are my thoughts on that...

Chris Buonanno said...

I remember my Lt. COL that I had as a teacher in high school JROTC telling me a story about Charles Barkley. We were discussing the topic of role models, and Barkley apparently said something like "I ain't no role model." I forgot the exact context of the comments.

The point of my teacher's comments was the simple fact that celebrities have no control over whether or not they are a role model; they simply are whether they like it or not: whether they want to be or not.

With that being said, I think someone's status as a celebrity should have no effect on whether we think they should be role models. There are some celebrities that deserve to be role models, and there are some that do not. Their status as a celebrity is a mere coincidence.

However, people will always view individuals that are famous as role models, whether they deserve it or not.


Unknown said...

I think that when a celebrity signs a contract with the company they are going to be working with or for, it probably doesnt include what they can or cannot wear or eat, or say who they can and cannot associate with.

I do think however, that when a person becomes famous from what they are pursuing, they should understand that they will forever be in the public eye and that people WILL see them as roll models. people in the public like looking up to people that are famous because they live glorious lives, and do what they love to do and make lots of money doing it.

i dont like it but the facts are true. if a celeb is in the spot light, they will be looked up to (or down on, if they do something bad).

here is one point of a celeb not wanting to be looked up to.

BlueAzul said...

According to the origin of the term, it was developed by Robert K. Kenton in the medical field. It is a person who's behaviors are emulated or who people aspire to be. In that sense it has niether a postive or negative meaning.

My anwser to the question is yes. Celebrities & public figures can be role models. It is that individuals personal selection of who they chose to emulate or aspire to follow.

However I don't think celebrtied have an obligation to be a perfect citizen. I think certain people have to live by certain standards but in the world of entertainment those lines shouldn't be defined. In the world of characters and personalities you can't expect to have them all be humanitarians. Rebelilous actions are easy to be desired. As humans we enjoy going against the system, even if its miniscual.

Some positions of power should up hold a certain responsiblity to the public, but not entertainers. Maybe the generation I was born into has a big effect on my perspective on this issue.
